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Is It A Drive? Is It A Directory? No, It’s…

Is It A Drive? Is It A Directory? No, It’s…

In this post, we look into why IPlatformFileCreateDirectory() was responsible for nearly 1 million allocations during a full cook of KiteDemo and why FPaths::IsDrive(), a huge 100-line function, is being used just to determine whether a filepath begins with a drive mapping... all for the purpose of further speeding up Unreal's cook process just a little bit more
Package Versioning… How It Works… And An Optimization

Package Versioning… How It Works… And An Optimization

UE4's Package Versioning is a bit of a dark art for most.. here we try to remove some of the confusion around it - while, again, offering some improvements through optimization
The Cook, The Resave, His Garbage And Her Optimization

The Cook, The Resave, His Garbage And Her Optimization

We present here a way to improve cook times by reducing the frequency of garbage collection
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